Being a human being is so so contradicting...Don't be mistaken..I'm not trying to end my life or something...just feel it this way....
Like now, sometime I want to do something simple like writing a sms, I'm really so tempted to do it, but afraid tat I'm may disturb my friend then but control myself and not send...But in the deepest depth of my heart, I would like to chat with her...See it is so contradicting...haizz...Pple may think that "if you want to send then just send lah" but afraid that my friend would find mi irritating then dislike mi...haizzz...
Why can't we in this world do watever we want to do without thinking of the consequences? Haizz..But I know that it is impossible to do so or it will normally give out bad results...
Therefore in conclusion, sometime we would like to do something, but due to the consequences, we forgo it really worth it???
Something to ponder about.....
Something to say:
Love cannot be forced
Meaning that we should let nature takes its course
It's natural to "want" to be together with the person we Loved
But if we think it carefully,
we will "want" to have the person we Loved to be happy
So if the person is not you
we should not force it
because at least we know she is happy with the person she loved
and she will be happy
To love is not to tie
It is not necessary to "own" the person you love
because everyone wants to have their freedom
To kill it
is unfair to the person you love
so why not preserve it
to break the "tying string" on her
so to make her happier and
It is often very difficult to say "All the wishes to both of you"
we may be Upset
we may be feeling Pain in our heart
we may even cry with Sadness
BUT if:
she is Happy
she feels Sweetness in her heart
she cry with Smile on her lips
All the Upset,Pain,Sadness will be worth it..
because we are taking it away from the person we loved
Even though the person she love is not You
but she is the one that You love
Haha just something from my experiences...
So if anyone out there is as suay as mi
then it something to share....
Saturday, October 16, 2004
This is my Corner
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About Me
- Name: UG
My name is UG.
Squeezing brain juice in Crimsonlogic Pte Ltd in Singapore as System Analyst aka bao ga liao analyst
My Bird-day is on 23th Oct 1982
Horroscope: Some say Libra, some say Scorpio but i prefer Libra thou i nvr wear bra
This beautiful background image is taken from this website
Thank you the author for the beauty
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